Robynne's Nest

Just a place for this SAHM to record her thoughts, ramblings, and daily occurrences.

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Location: Missouri, United States

I'm a SAHM to SIX children, 3 of each model. The girls are currently ages 15, 12 and 7, and the boys are 9, 6, and 4. I enjoy many crafts, but my main interest is crocheting and knitting. I also enjoy music, both listening to and playing. I'm in the church bell choir, and I've played french horn for over 25 years. I currently play in a couple community concert bands, and I play throughout the year in church. My husband and I were married in the fall of 2004, and we are currently owned by 3 cats and 1 dog.

Friday, March 11, 2005


I've been thinking of names today. We've already agreed if it is a boy he will be Ryan Matthew, but we're having more trouble coming up with a girl's name. Ward likes Madison, but I'm not particularly fond of that one. At the same time, I haven't come up with anything I particularly love, either. Emmy and Allie want to name the baby Rose if it is a girl, and we like that, but would probably use it as a middle name if we do use it. We've tried pairing it with Christina, Abigail, Madison...but it's just not clicking with me. My favorite so far that I've come up with has been Kristina Leigh-Anne, which has some meaning behind it before anyone asks where I came up with that! I have 2 sisters, and their middle names are Kristin, and Leigh. My mother's name is Leeann. My mother was named after her two aunts, whose middle names were Lee and Ann. Of course I haven't run this name past Ward, yet, and he may not like it at all, but the more I look at it the more I like it. Hmm. Well, we are just under 3 weeks until our big ultrasound, and hopefully we will find out which kind of baby this is, so I'll know if I need to work on the girl's name or not!


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