Robynne's Nest

Just a place for this SAHM to record her thoughts, ramblings, and daily occurrences.

My Photo
Location: Missouri, United States

I'm a SAHM to SIX children, 3 of each model. The girls are currently ages 15, 12 and 7, and the boys are 9, 6, and 4. I enjoy many crafts, but my main interest is crocheting and knitting. I also enjoy music, both listening to and playing. I'm in the church bell choir, and I've played french horn for over 25 years. I currently play in a couple community concert bands, and I play throughout the year in church. My husband and I were married in the fall of 2004, and we are currently owned by 3 cats and 1 dog.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Change of plans

Well, as usual, my plans for the day changed. Mom called and asked me if I could drive her to her dr. appointment at noon, since my dad needed to be at work to finish up at the office. Today is his last day, after 34 years essentially with the same place. Odd. He gave me a potted tree from his office yesterday. :)

So anyway, I took mom to her appointment. The kids enjoyed it, as they got the treat of a McDonald's lunch out of the deal. Dad showed up shortly after we got there, so the kids and I went back home.

It seems like an odd day. It's beautiful out...bright sun and not a cloud to be seen, but something about the day seems odd. Maybeit's just having 2 people ring the doorbell in the past 30 minutes, when we normally don't have anyone stop by that has made things seem odd.

I'm sick of winter and cold. It snowed here Wednesday night. We had about 1/4 or 1/2 inch by morning, so not much, but I'm tired of the cold. It all melted by noon, anyway. We haven't really had much snow this season...not even enough to sled on...but I'm just so ready for spring, sunshine, and warm days.

Now see, I'm getting into that babble-on mode, so that would be my signal to stop. :) Time to get back to the daily grind.

My first post

Hi there! I've been looking for a new blog place, so I'm trying out this one. Not that I'm real good about keeping up with a blog, but that may be due in part to not liking the last one I used. So here I am, trying again. I figure I may as well use some of my time online to record my thoughts.

Not much going on today. We've been busy most of the week, but today is just a quiet, stay at home day. I was not feeling well this morning, just a little nauseous. It comes and goes, but has thankfully been less frequent lately. Hopefully it will be behind me for the most part, but at the same time I just have this feeling that I may well feel a little sick throughout this pregnancy. It has been different than with my other two, definitely.

I've been wanting to get our things organized and cleaned up. Things have been a mess and a jumble here since I moved my things in back in July last year, and I've never gotten on top of it. There's always an excuse...first the wedding, then the honeymoon trip, then the holidays, then morning sickness and exhaustion. But I'm tired of the mess and disorganization. Now we'll be moving the rest of Ward's things here from his apartment, and I can't imagine doing that with the state things are currently in. I think a little spring cleaning is in order. Or maybe a lot, as the case may be.

Well, I suppose that's a good start for now. I have to go tend to the children, who have decided to fight over the markers rather than color. I will see if I can get back here and keep up with this blog in the future. It could be fun!