Robynne's Nest

Just a place for this SAHM to record her thoughts, ramblings, and daily occurrences.

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Location: Missouri, United States

I'm a SAHM to SIX children, 3 of each model. The girls are currently ages 15, 12 and 7, and the boys are 9, 6, and 4. I enjoy many crafts, but my main interest is crocheting and knitting. I also enjoy music, both listening to and playing. I'm in the church bell choir, and I've played french horn for over 25 years. I currently play in a couple community concert bands, and I play throughout the year in church. My husband and I were married in the fall of 2004, and we are currently owned by 3 cats and 1 dog.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back to the Blog!

Ok, enough laziness! Back to the blog now. :) I've been meaning to get back to it, and kept saying "tomorrow" "later tonight" "next week for sure!" I'm a world class procrastinator!
Then the kids do something cute, or there's something I wish I would remember, and it makes me think of my blog, and then I'm sad because I'm a procrastinator and haven't been keeping up with it.
So no more excuses. Back to blogging!
Just to catch up now...I see my last entry was in MAY. I guess I should mention that I've had a baby since then. :) Evan Daniel arrived a few days late, on August 3rd, at 11am. What was supposed to be an uneventful induction turned into an unexpected last minute c-section. I'll have to share that birth story another time. :)
So, Evan is 5 months old now, and is just a sweet, amazing baby boy. He's already starting to crawl...he's a champion army-crawler, and has been practicing getting up on hands and knees since December. Just last week he started moving hand, knee, hand, knee classic crawling. It always amazes me when one of mine does this so early, and it's very cute. He's a little wobbly and mechanical about it, but he's doing it. He still prefers the army crawl, because it's much faster for him. :)
The other kids are all doing SUPER. Allie and Mandy are both in dance this year, and Emily got first place in her school archery tournament which automatically put her on the school team. They've been practicing, and have had one 3-school practice tournament. There is a district tournament next weekend, and state next month, and she will be participating in both of those.
Ryan is doing wonderfully in preschool, and he's finally learning his letters! He is definitely a boy who needs structure.
Ethan is doing very well also. He is still getting speech and developmental therapy and is talking a lot more, or at least attempting to talk a lot more. :) He will probably continue to get speech therapy through the school district in the fall, but we will know more about that after he has testing.


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